Case Study 1
Case study 1:
Female, 64, very long history of IBS-D.
Several courses of antibiotics in the last 3 years, which caused permanent changes in her gut (increased severity of diarrhoea).
She tried many high potency probiotics but nothing seems to improve her symptoms.
High stress levels and poor diet.
The test showed:
Poor score
- High overall pathogens and Proteobacteria
- Probiotics are completely absent and no Akkermansia muciniphila detected
- Some SIBO-related bacteria out of range
- Normal FODMAP sensitivity.
Possible interventions:
- Eliminate pathogens (Remove)
- Take SIBO test
- Rebalance anti-inflammatory Akkermansia muciniphila through diet and/or supplements (Replace)
- No need to follow a strict low FODMAP diet
- Add probiotics at the end of the protocol (Reinoculate)
- Drastically improve diet, increase specific nutrients that heal the gut such as omega 3, vitamin D, polyphenols and so on (Repair)